Thursday, November 18, 2021

Nursing Bulletin: Autumn 2021

Introducing key papers and publications that focus mainly on the latest news and issues in the nursing profession.

The British Journal of Nursing, Nursing Times, British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, Journal of Perioperative Practice and the British Journal of Midwifery are all either available in print within the library or online via your OpenAthens username and password. 

Please click on the links below and enter your OpenAthens username and password to download the full text or contact the library at  to request the full text.

Evidence-based strategies to promote vaccine acceptance
Abstract: Key Points: Herd immunity through vaccination depends upon high levels of vaccine uptake; Vaccination promotion should focus upon the unvaccinated and under-vaccinated populations; Understanding the information need is an important first step; Information should be clear, concise and targeted at the audience individual; Barriers to vaccine uptake should be minimised.
Source: British Journal of Community Nursing 2021; 26(7): 338-343
Rising to the challenge: a COVID-19 vaccination service for the housebound population
Abstract: Key Points: Setting up a home vaccination programme for housebound patients can prove challenging, especially in times when community nursing services are already overstretched; The team involved in such a programme needs to include clinicians, as well as administrative staff, to manage the logistics; It is important to appropriately identify patients eligible to receive home vaccination, and certain groups of people can be difficult to identify, such as those with learning disabilities.
Source: British Journal of Community Nursing 2021; 26(7): 328-333
Importance of palliative care
Abstract: The CW+'s Neonatal Palliative Care Project has developed from a partnership between Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and The True Colours Trust. The London-based project began in 2015 and was formally evaluated in 2020, with the key recommendation of consolidating the learning and progress from this pilot project to ensure a sustainable roll-out of this activity across all Operational Delivery Networks in England and the devolved nations.
Source: British Journal of Midwifery 2021; 29(7): 414–415
The impact of Brexit and COVID-19 on nursing in the UK
Abstract: Over the years, many experts have stated that nursing in the UK is in crisis and nurses are struggling owing to the increasing number of older and sicker patients, staff shortages and budget cuts that have affected working conditions (Beech et al, 2019). With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, unprecedented levels of pressure were placed on an already strained nursing workforce.
Source: British Journal of Nursing 2021; 30(13): 822-823
Understanding safety culture
Abstract: One of the areas that I find most challenging now is when a statement is made about the ‘culture’ of a service. Whether this is from a regulator or colleagues, it's a label that sticks, and can be positive or negative. In 2018 the Care Quality Commission (CQC) chief inspector of hospitals, Professor Ted Baker, called for a change in culture within the NHS that he said would reduce the number of patients who experience avoidable harm.
Source: British Journal of Nursing 2021; 30(13): 831
What lessons can we take from reverse innovation?
Abstract: For nurses, COVID-19 has radically challenged how they deliver care, with existing resources continually being stretched well beyond normal usage. The result is that innovative approaches are essential to redress shortages, support the continuance of services and maintain patient safety.
Source: British Journal of Nursing 2021; 30(13): 770
Model for Improvements in Learning Outcomes (MILO): development of a conceptual model grounded in caritative caring aimed to facilitate undergraduate nursing students’ learning during clinical practice (Part 1)
Abstract: The aim of this study was to describe the development of a caritative caring conceptual model aimed to facilitate undergraduate nursing students’ learning during clinical practice.
Source: Nurse Education in Practice 2021; 55: 103144
An integrative review of simulation, senior practicum and readiness for practice
Abstract: Readiness for practice (RFP) is essential as new nurses will practice in a nursing shortage climate, with high acuity patients and complex technology. Nurse educators are challenged to foster readiness for practice. The aim of this integrative review was to explore the impact of simulation and senior practicum on graduating senior nursing students' readiness for practice.
Source: Nurse Education in Practice 2021; 55: 103087
Team working part 3: leading a team
Abstract: Take a few minutes to reflect on the team of people you work with: how many people are in your team? Does the team comprise only nurses or do you count allied health professionals, ward assistants, domestics and ancillary staff as team members? Is the nurse with the most experience the person in charge? Do different people have different responsibilities? Who is managerially responsible for the team? Who do people go to when they need clinical advice or support? Is the manager also the leader?
Source: British Journal of Nursing 2021; 30(14): 872
Nurses are not heroes
Abstract: Over the course of this pandemic, nurses across the globe have been celebrated and honoured as ‘heroes’ in mainstream and social media because of their selfless dedication to serve and protect their patients from the novel coronavirus. However, this characterisation is problematic as it distracts attention from the enduring social issues affecting the profession.
Source: British Journal of Nursing 2021; 30(14): 838
Opportunity, support and understanding: the experience of four early trainee nursing associates
Abstract: Conclusion: This study adds to our understanding relating to the lived experience of some of the first TNAs taking up training for this role within healthcare, and highlights some of the factors that were most pertinent, according to the lived experience of the trainees themselves. The authors hope that the findings of this study will prove useful for those considering taking up training for the role, or indeed establishments considering implementing the role with their settings.
Source: British Journal of Healthcare Assistants 2021; 15(6): 284–291
NHS trusts must continue to tackle racism
Abstract: Although the latest report on workforce equality shows positive changes, some improvements are marginal and the issue must be kept high on the agenda.
Source: British Journal of Nursing 2021; 30(15): 941
Student experiences of a return to practice programme: a qualitative study
Abstract: Nurses, midwives and other health professionals who return to practice come from a range of backgrounds and return for a variety of reasons. This qualitative study focused on the experiences of nursing, midwifery and allied health students undertaking a return to practice programme at a higher education institute. It interpreted the perceptions of the student experience of returning to clinical practice following a lapse in professional registration.
Source: British Journal of Nursing 2021; 30(15): 900-908
What support do nurses and midwives qualifying in the age of Covid-19 need? Insights from UNISON members 2021
Abstract: This report finds that more than two-thirds (70 per cent) of students or newly qualified nurses and midwives believe they have missed out on important learning experiences during Covid. The findings also show more than half (56 per cent) of final year students worry they’re not as prepared for qualification as they should be. The report calls for the government and NHS leaders to give greater support to the newly qualified health staff.
Source: UNISON; 2021
Experiences of maternity care during the COVID-19 pandemic in the North of England
Abstract: During 2020, UK maternity services made changes to service delivery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to explore service users' and their partners' experiences of maternity services in the North of England during the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents (n=606) completed a co-produced survey during August 2020. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and content analysis.
Source: British Journal of Midwifery 2021; 29(9): 516–523
The effect of COVID-19 on intrapartum care: a case review from early in the pandemic
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a marked impact on maternity services in the UK. Those who are pregnant are identified as a higher risk population and there have been significant changes in the structure of antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care. This case of interest explores a moderate case of SARS-CoV-2 during the intrapartum period in the early stages of the pandemic which was managed by a multidisciplinary approach.
Source: British Journal of Midwifery 2021; 29(9): 532–535

Team working part 4: managing a team
Abstract: A positive, well-managed team can help turn a difficult and demanding job into one that is supportive and rewarding. Over the years, I have worked for nurses who were good leaders, but poor managers and also for nurses who were good managers, but poor leaders. I've also worked for some who were both good managers and good leaders, although they were in the minority.
Source: British Journal of Nursing 2021; 30(16): 988
Whistleblowing disclosures report 2021: healthcare professional regulators
Abstract: The report highlights the collaborative efforts of eight regulators (General Chiropractic Council, General Dental Council, General Medical Council, General Optical Council, General Osteopathic Council, General Pharmaceutical Council, The Health and Care Professions Council and the Nursing and Midwifery Council) to address serious issues that health and care professionals have raised in UK workplaces. Around a third of NMC disclosures made during this year were related to the pandemic.
Source: Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC); 2021
Return on investment of overseas nurse recruitment: lessons for the NHS: Briefing
Abstract: There are some 342,300 nurses working in NHS hospital and community health services, and 23,900 working in general practice. Yet vacancies are widespread: there were 39,000 full-time equivalent nurse vacancies by mid-2021, representing a 10% vacancy rate. The equivalent figure for doctors is 7%. This new research, commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement, explores the business case for overseas nurse recruitment, quantifying the various costs and how long recruits stay in post.
Source: Nuffield Trust; 2021
COVID-19: reflections on its impact on nursing
Abstract: There will come a time when we speak of COVID-19 in the past tense; when it will be subject to retrospective analysis and debate, rather than being something we continue to live through. However, the pandemic’s repercussions will be felt for years to come in society, in healthcare and in nursing. As a profession, there has never been a more important time to demonstrate resilience, to adapt to the changed context of care and to highlight nurses’ skills, knowledge and expertise.
Source: Evidence-Based Nursing 2021; 24(4): 112-113
Registered nurses require increased time allocation and improved placement support measures to enhance student nurse placement learning experiences
Abstract: Registered nurses require time to deliver high-quality experiential learning and where possible; this should be reflected in clinical practice workload allocation.
Future research should develop enhanced strategies to improve support provision for registered nurses involved in teaching, supervising, mentoring and assessing nursing students in practice.
Source: Evidence-Based Nursing 2021; 24(4): 138
Addressing the practice learning and placement capacity conundrum
Abstract: Placement expansion is a national strategic priority. Meeting the Government's intention of delivering 50 000 extra nurses for the NHS and achieving the growth in placement capacity required for this (Department of Health and Social Care, 2020), against a backdrop of disruption to clinical and education services, and buoyant recruitment to healthcare programmes, can feel a challenge. But it is one that has coincided with a time of significant opportunity.
Source: British Journal of Nursing 2021; 30(18): 1093